Sunday, September 23, 2007

Weigh In: The Double Fast Edition

Well, I was hoping that with two fasts in the last seven days, I would take off some weight!

Fasting, of course, doesn't really help you to lose weight... after all, most of the loss is water and you eat again afterwards anyway. But I was pretty good during the week, and so, I was hoping that I would at least lose the 1.5 pounds that I put back on last week.

As it turns out, I lost four (4!!!) pounds this past week. Woo-hoo! Down to 222.5. During my previous weight loss, I never lost more than 3.4 pounds in a week (aside from the first week when I lost six).

Now let's see how I do after two weeks of Yom Tov. :)

The Wolf

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